Our Tom completes 25k run and raises money for Chestnut Tree House

Our Google advertising specialist and Senior Digital Manager, Tom Marchant, got his running shoes on recently by taking part in a 25k run and raised a fantastic £1,020 for Sussex-based children’s hospice Chestnut Tree House.

The run, organised through endurance event organisers Ultra Challenge, saw Tom start at Windsor Racecourse and complete two loops of a track where he ran through Windsor Great Park, past the castle and along the Thames Path, before enjoying a well-deserved celebratory tipple.

As our local children’s hospice, we have always been a big supporter of Chestnut Tree House and the work it does for children and young people with life-limiting conditions in our region.

Tom commented:

“Chestnut Tree House provides vital support for not only children in our area who have life-limiting illnesses, but also their families by ensuring everyone has the best quality of life possible – and I wanted to do something to challenge myself and support them at the same time.

“I’ve been training regularly for the run, and it was definitely a challenge, but I completed it! Thank you to friends, family, colleagues and PMW clients who all donated. The charity relies on fundraising, so I know every penny is gratefully received.”

You can still give Tom a well-deserved pat on the back by donating via his JustGiving page –

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Sally sitting at a table with a cup
Sally Burfoot
Senior PR Manager
Sally sitting at a table with a cup

Article by:

Sally Burfoot -
Senior PR Manager

A highly knowledgeable PR expert with more than 25 years’ experience working in the media industry. Sally initially trained as a journalist and cut her teeth on both regional and national news desks before moving across to PR.

Over the years, she’s created numerous successful campaigns for clients including a global aviation company, the British Heart Foundation, builders merchants, and shopping centres up and down the country.

Outside of work, you’ll find Sally either strolling along a beach or jumping up and down at a music gig.