Information for clients & suppliers regarding Coronavirus

At PMW we’re committed to providing an exceptional service to our clients while ensuring the health and wellbeing of our people, clients and suppliers.

The following contingency plan outlines our response to a possible office closure or case(s) of COVID-19 within our team.

Please note, that at time of writing we are aware of no suspected nor confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst our team or anyone with whom they have come into contact.

Office closure

• Unless there is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 amongst our staff or someone with whom they have come into contact, or there is an enforced closure as directed by Government, our office will remain open as normal.

• In preparation of a possible office closure, we have made full provision for all our staff to work from home with full access to all necessary data and communication technologies.

• Should the office close, or individuals work from home, any scheduled face-to-face meetings will be replaced with video or conference calls where possible.

In the case of a team member having suspected or confirmed Coronavirus

• The staff member will be obliged to take immediate sick leave and self-isolate in line with governmental directives.

• Any client, visitor or supplier with whom the individual has come into contact over the last two weeks, will be informed.

• Any scheduled face-to-face meetings with well members of staff working from home will be replaced with video or conference calls where possible.

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