A day in the life of a Social Media Executive

The Social Media department is one of the quickest growing departments at PMW, and has seen two new social media experts joining the team in the past year. One of our talented Social Media Executives, Georgia Hardman, has been part of the team for nearly a year and a half now, so is well settled into our, at times, crazy office family.

9am: I begin the day reading through the emails I’ve received over night, as well as checking our clients’ social media pages to make sure any comments have been responded to and check recent engagement. Our clients use various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, which can take a while to monitor, so we divide the clients across the social media team.

11am: The next stage of my morning is to start writing content for Facebook and Twitter posts. With some clients requiring up to seven Facebook posts and seven Twitter posts a week, it is imperative that we are creative with our writing and topics, making sure we are as engaging as possible with our target audiences.

The first part of this process is having a look at what is currently trending on social media and what is currently of interest in the news.  I also take a look to see what awareness days are coming up, using anything from National Sandwich Day to National Don’t step On A Bee Day.

1pm: means it’s lunch time.  I spend the hour relaxing and catching up with the rest of the team. Occasionally we go out for a social media team lunch, especially when a new member joins the team, which provides a great opportunity to get to know each other better.

2pm – 4pm: After lunch it’s back to work and, after a quick check of my emails, I spend some time monitoring my client’s social media pages to check on any messages, comments, likes and shares. I then continue writing my content, and speak directly to our clients to make sure any upcoming news is covered in our posts.  For example, a sale that has started or a store holding a public event.

4pm – 5pm: The rest of my afternoon is spent setting up any upcoming competitions. The public can like or comment on the page to have the opportunity to win anything from a Mikata drill to a Virgin experience day.

I also attend creative meetings gathering with the team from other departments to discuss ideas for current and new business.  At PMW we regularly host creative meetings to think up new and innovative ways to raise our clients’ profiles.

5pm – 5:30pm: It’s time for a catch up with the rest of the social media team; Fay, Ben and Tracie. We talk on a daily basis and spend some time discussing ideas to use on social media for each of our clients.

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An image of Charles smiling while talking to someone at a desk with a PMW mug.
Charles Blackith
Google Ads Executive
An image of Charles smiling while talking to someone at a desk with a PMW mug.

Article by:

Charles Blackith -
Google Ads Executive

If there’s a digital marketing job that needs doing, then Charles is your man. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Charles has immersed himself in how the digital world works to promote brand profiles. This has led him to help numerous SMEs in their quest for revamping and optimising their online presence.

When he’s not working wonders on the web, Charles loves nothing more than to explore different countries and has spent much of his spare time travelling all over the globe. He credits this with expanding his worldview and nurturing his adaptability and creative approach.

An owner of a cat called Lily, and a Welsh springer spaniel called Maisie, Charles is a keen chess player and is passionate about sports, particularly golf, tennis and skiing.

Oh, and he also knows how to recite the alphabet backwards and solve a Rubik’s cube in record time – that’s what we call clever and versatile!