SEO for e-commerce: how to maximise online sales

As a marketing professional, are you frustrated with your e-commerce website getting lost among the sea of online retailers?

Online sales have exploded in recent years, but with so much competition out there, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. But there’s good news: SEO can be your secret weapon to rise above the competition.

E-commerce sites face unique challenges when it comes to SEO. With numerous product pages to manage, transactional keywords to optimise for, and duplicate content to avoid, it’s not always a walk in the park.

But the good news is that SEO can work wonders for your e-commerce sales and revenue. By boosting your search engine rankings and visibility, you can attract more organic traffic and increase conversions.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process that requires time, effort, and expertise. As a marketing professional, you may already have a lot on your plate, so it can be challenging to keep up with the latest SEO trends and tactics. You may want to consider partnering with an SEO agency to help you develop and execute effective SEO strategies.

So, how can you take your e-commerce SEO game to the next level? There are tonnes of strategies out there, but we’ve narrowed down the most essential for you to try. Get ready to maximise those online sales!

Prioritise product positioning

One of the main factors to consider when creating an e-commerce site is competition and demand. Before you start selling a new product, it is important to research the competition and demand for that product. By understanding what your competitors are offering and how much demand there is for your product, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

It is also important to identify your unique selling points (USPs). These are the features and benefits that make your products stand out from the competition. By highlighting your USPs in your product descriptions, you can make your products more appealing to potential customers.

Now, let’s talk about pricing. This is a make-or-break aspect of e-commerce, and you need to get it right. Make sure to factor in VAT and other applicable taxes, as they can affect how customers perceive the value of your products. Also, have a look at your competitors’ pricing strategies and ensure that your prices are competitive within your market. Trust me; it’ll pay off in the long run!

Get product pages pumping

Product pages are the heart and soul of any e-commerce website, so you better give them the love they deserve.

Duplicate content can be a real pain in the neck, especially for e-commerce sites with tons of products. But fear not, my friend! You can avoid this headache by using canonical tags that show which version of a web page is preferred. Plus, you need to get creative with your product descriptions and craft unique, keyword-rich meta titles and descriptions for each item.

Using relevant keywords in your product titles can do wonders for your website’s visibility. It also makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Throw in some gender-specific keywords like “women’s” or “men’s” to make filtering products a breeze.

And let’s not forget about visuals! Add high-quality product images and even a video showcasing the product in action. Doing this will help boost your conversion rate – give it a go and see! Oh, and don’t forget to use descriptive alt tags for all images to help search engines understand what’s what.

Now, let’s take it up a notch! Consider offering related products on your product pages or even during the checkout process. For instance, if a customer is buying a pair of shoes, why not suggest a matching handbag or some snazzy socks?

Oh, and here’s a sneaky tip: offer discounts or promotions for bundled products. Not only will this encourage customers to buy more items, but it’ll also increase the average order value (AOV). Win-win!

Elevate user experience

A good user experience means happy customers, and happy customers mean more sales. Ensure your site is easy to navigate, simplify your menus and make it straightforward for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. More and more people are using their phones to shop online, so it’s crucial that your site is optimised for mobile devices.

Speed matters! Lightning-fast loading times are essential for keeping users engaged and preventing them from bouncing to a competitor’s site. Keep an eye on your Core Web Vitals (CWV), which are factors Google uses to grade a page’s user experience and make improvements where necessary.

Providing clear and comprehensive FAQs about your products is essential. This can ease any worries or doubts that customers might have, reducing the likelihood of customers abandoning their shopping baskets or contacting customer service.

Next-day delivery is like a cherry on top, so consider offering it to incentivize customers to complete their purchase. And why not include shipping prices in the product price? This gives customers the perception of “free shipping,” which is like music to their ears!

When it comes to payment options, variety is the spice of life. Consider accepting multiple credit cards, as well as PayPal, Klarna and other popular payment platforms to make it a breeze for customers to purchase from your store.

Displaying trust signals is key! Customer reviews, security badges, and social proof can increase the likelihood of conversion and repeat business by providing reassurance and credibility to potential customers.

Utilising live chat support can greatly enhance user experience. By providing customers with instant support and assistance, you can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of abandoned shopping baskets.

Make it structured

Structured data, also known as ‘schema markup’, may sound like a fancy-pants term, but it’s actually a game-changer. By adding schema markup, you’re giving search engines all the juicy details about your business, products, reviews, and more. You can even produce rich snippets that give users all the details they need in a single glance. It’s a fool proof way to improve results.

It’s important to use schemas that are relevant to your business and products. For example, if you sell products on your website, you’ll want to use the product schema to provide details such as the product name, description, price, and availability.

And if you have customer reviews, the review schema is your BFF. Use it to display ratings and reviews in search results, and watch those stars shine!

Go long and specific

When it comes to keywords, don’t be afraid to get specific. Long-tail keywords containing at least three words have lower search volumes but lead to higher conversion rates. So even though they generate less traffic, they generate a high number of sales.

Let’s say you run an online pet store that specialises in natural and organic dog food. Instead of targeting the broad keyword “dog food,” which is highly competitive and would be difficult to rank for, you could target the long-tail keyword “organic dog food for sensitive stomachs.”

While this keyword may have a lower search volume, it’s highly specific and targeted, and you’ll likely see a higher conversion rate from visitors who are specifically looking for this type of product.

Link like a boss

Internal linking is like connecting the dots between your own website pages, helping search engines understand your website structure and how everything fits together. Not to mention, it makes it easier for your visitors to navigate your site and find what they’re looking for.

Ideally, the customer should be able to complete their purchase in no more than three clicks. This means that your website should be designed in a way that makes it easy for customers to complete their purchase quickly.

For example, on product pages, you can add internal links to related or recommended products, or even products that other customers bought together. This can help users discover additional products they may be interested in, leading to increased engagement and sales.

So, don’t forget to sprinkle internal links throughout your product pages and blog posts to create a more cohesive and user-friendly website.

We’re here to help!

We know SEO can feel like a daunting task. The good news is that you don’t have to brave it alone! Our team of SEO experts are here to help you conquer the ins and outs of e-commerce SEO. We’ll work with you to create a customised strategy that’s perfect for your business needs.

Whether you want to boost your search rankings, attract more website traffic, or supercharge your conversions, we’ve got your back. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s chat!

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards ruling the online world and growing your business.

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Izzy sitting in the garden with her PMW water bottle
Isabelle Lewis
SEO Executive
Izzy sitting in the garden with her PMW water bottle

Article by:

Isabelle Lewis -
SEO Executive

Meet Izzy, our SEO specialist! She completed her Digital Marketing Apprenticeship back in 2019 and has been enchanting us with her SEO know-how ever since.

Prior to joining our team, Izzy worked in marketing and communications roles. When she’s not crafting killer SEO strategies, you can find her hanging out with her two white fluffy cats, relaxing in her newly renovated home with her partner, or indulging in some retail therapy.

In her free time, Izzy enjoys staying active by running, swimming, and jumping her way through a trampoline class called Bounce. She also loves exploring new places abroad and taking leisurely Sunday walks that always end with a satisfying pub lunch.

With brands like Artemis Aerospace, Absolutely Leisure, and Goal Group under her belt, Izzy knows how to make websites sing and dance in the search rankings. So, if you need some SEO magic, Izzy’s your girl!


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