How brand consultants bring creativity to business-minded industries

Creativity in traditional, rules-driven industries can sometimes feel like pushing a boulder uphill. Operating as a brand agency for our clients, our role as a brand consultant isn’t just about coming up with fresh ideas – it’s about navigating the constraints and knowing when to push for innovation, and when to step back. The challenge is real, but so is the opportunity – the chance to bring fresh thinking, challenge perspectives, and make an impact while still working within the rules.

Know the rules inside out

Brand guidelines are often seen as restrictions, but they’re the foundation of consistency. The key to unlocking creativity within them is understanding not just the guidelines but the reasoning behind them. The more you understand the rules, the better equipped you are to push their boundaries in a meaningful way. And, when you dig deeper into the ‘why’ of your next campaign, you’ll find much more flexibility than you first assumed.

Don’t be passive

In industries that might be more likely to resist change, it’s easy to let ideas get shut down. Don’t. Creativity requires resilience. That doesn’t mean fighting every battle, but it does mean knowing which ones to stand firm on. Learn when to advocate for your ideas, when to listen and when to refine your approach. Work on repositioning your recommendations so they resonate better with decision-makers. However, it’s worth noting that striking the right balance is essential here and prioritising your unwavering support is the basis of a strong client/agency relationship.

Always ask ‘what if?’

Challenging views with senior leadership isn’t easy, but it starts with the right questions. ‘What if we tried this differently?’, ‘What if we took a small step before a big leap?’. By framing ideas as possibilities rather than ultimatums, you encourage decision-makers to consider new perspectives rather than shutting them down outright.

Be the difference

Creativity in business-minded industries isn’t always the priority, but its role is absolutely vital to stay ahead of competitors. With strategy, and the right mindset, brand consultants can bring fresh ideas to even the most traditional of sectors.


Lizzie Moyse
Account Management Director


Creativity in traditional, rules-driven industries can sometimes feel like pushing a boulder uphill. Operating as a brand agency for our clients, our role as a...

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