
As an IT outsourcing and managed service provider, Wessex IT offers forward-thinking IT solutions and comprehensive support agreements.

The brief was to create a brand identity that reflected the company’s expanded offering, solid growth, and name change from Wessex Networks to Wessex IT. Using a new logo, colour palette, graphics and tagline, our design team set out to create a visual insignia that touched on the organisation’s past as well as positioning it for the future.


In response to the brief, the team came up with a new logo and strapline that met our client’s objectives, communicated Wessex IT’s expertise, and encapsulated the company’s psyche. As the cornerstone for all subsequent marketing activities, the concept needed to be adaptable yet consistent. The results were an instant hit with Wessex IT’s senior management team.

The Technology Tamed initiative offers a subtle nod to the past, with an updated look that uses typography and graphics to represent the connective nature of the industry. It also places Wessex IT at the centre of the hub. The brand includes subtle pixelated graphics, images of network circuitry, and a logo that uses a solid, professional-looking font that suggests straight-talking reliability. It now adorns all corporate/client touch-points, from office décor and cars, to Wessex IT’s digital platforms.

Further work

Following the success of the Technology Tamed project, Wessex IT co-Directors Richard Maynard and Andrew Sewell invited us to rebrand their business supplies procurement company – We Know Office.

The organisation supplies a wide range of office-related goods, from general materials to health and safety products. As an e-commerce trader, the company needed an identity that would stand out in a competitive environment. Our design team favoured bold use of colour and strong graphics to create an eye-catching, memorable identity. We like to think the results speak for themselves.


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